"I'm 21 years old and I
live in Dublin, Ireland.
I am currently working as a freelance photographer and a 'self titled graphic designer.'
love to go hiking, hanging around in big forests and eating with my
friends. "

got a DSLR for my 18th birthday in 2013, it was a Canon 700D.
At the
time it was only for me to take photos of random things
but as I
started to realize how much I can do with photography,
I became
obsessed with it.
I've been painting people my whole life so the idea
bringing my paintings to life with photos was fascinating
so I
taught myself everything from google and youtube."

really only started to take photos because
I wanted to save memories for myself.
The idea of turning a
photo into something magical.
I just really feel like taking a photo because the day has been so
nice, or if there's just a good connection with me and whoever I
might be hanging out with that day.
I just take out my camera since
it's with me all the time
and just take a photo of them."

"I started taking self portraits because I thought I could
really show stuff that I couldn't really get with a model,
like crying in front of a camera
or posing on top of a cliff and being a mermaid.
Just to have that sense of doing everything from the start,
planning a concept and it all working out in the end is so fulfilling ."
little bit cliche but I'm inspired by nature and my friends,
people around me that have good vibes.
Also those dark moments in
life that really bring out your creativity.
I hate to say but I feel
like I do my best when I'm not particularly in a good place."

"The most important thing to me, I'd say is color.
I like dreamy colors and little bits of things.
I might add like specks or small little details
that I see in my head when I'm taking the photo."

"Try not
to over think and sometimes
just do whatever you feel like doing or
what feels right."

(Interview by Carli Vögel)
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