Friday, January 1, 2016

Featured Photographer: Vanessa Dupre

"I was born in 1983 in a small town close to Rome. I hold a degree in Women's
Studies and a masters degree in Multimedia. When I was 25 I moved to San
Francisco to pursue a career in digital media. Since then, I've worked as a Video
Producer, Director and Photographer."

"Photography has been a passion of mine my whole life.
My first approach to photography and art came from my interest for fiction. I studied cinematography, but didn't follow the
cinema path after that. I realized that I needed a more solitary way of creating. I discovered the possibilities of image manipulation with Photoshop in the last four years and started experimenting on my own."

"I use photography as a way to express my creativity and my feelings. While I try
to have a more balance life, I have been incorporating photography and art
more into my life. My relationship with photography changes everyday. I always
want to learn as much as possible and try new things."

"I am drawn to the emotive, atmospheric, almost surreal nature of portraiture.
 I believe that portraiture can create a connection between subject and viewer.
I get inspired by the great past photographers. I love to recreate an historical
atmosphere.  I generally use vintage costumes from the 1900s to the 1970s. I think I need to
work with "retro" style images to have a distance from our contemporary world. I like to
create images that are timeless and spaceless; where the viewer cannot really
identify when and where the scene is taking place."

"I wish I had a time machine, to go through different periods of history. I'd like to
photograph the most important women in history. From the Greek
mathematician and philosopher Hypatia to Giovanna D'Arco, from Mary
Wollstonecraft to Frida Kahlo. These famous women are chosen not for their
beauty and grace, but for their insurmountable contribution to our modern

"Do what you love and try to eliminate the desire to please others. 
Federico Fellini said: 'Put yourself into life and never lose your openness, your
childish enthusiasm throughout the journey that is life, and things will come your
way.' "

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