Friday, April 22, 2016

Featured Photographer: Gediminas Karbauskis


"I am  a passionate amateur photographer from Lithuania currently based in Luxembourg.
I shoot with my Canon or Fuji digital cameras most of the time. 
Sometimes I like to use my old Polaroid 600 film camera and experiment with the emulsion transfer technique."

"The first money that I earned when I was 9-10 years old was spent to buy a camera.
 It was a second hand "Russian Smena" and I used it to photograph the foreign cars in my town, since they were really rare and exotic at that time.

 The first digital camera I bought back in 2009 and since then photography has become my biggest passion and a great part of my life"

"Photography gives me a reason to explore the world and express myself as an artist. When I photograph architecture, I do not want to document it, I want to create something completely different. I don't want to simply take a photo of architecture, but I want to create an abstraction, sometimes by turning the world upside-down in my compositions.

 I want to create something that is surreal. 
I see photography as an opportunity to experience space and interpret it."

"Only include in the frame what is important, 
eliminate anything that does not contribute to the picture."

"I think that it is so easy to travel anywhere to take pictures nowadays. We have been photographing on the Moon. Curiosity rover is taking images of Mars now… If I could choose not the place, but rather time, I would go some 20 years to the future and take some architectural images. I think that with the development of technology, we will be able to build some amazing architecture with shapes and forms that cannot be imagined now."

"I'm inspired by everything around me. If you really look at things there is so much out there that will inspire you, it can be a form, a material etc. The biggest impact for my photographic work is architecture itself. Being outside in an urban environment I always feel inspired by the endless interplay of light and shadows, shapes and structures."

"Architecture photography has always been my favourite subject. The art of seeing a place or a building with different eyes, to use them as objects to create a completely new, unseen world is what I try to achieve in my work. In fact, I’m not trying to show the viewer what these places (buildings) look like, but rather what they feel like. The viewer has to develop the story himself. I feel content if the picture expands beyond the frames in the viewer's mind. "

All photos are accurate. None of them is the truth.” (Richard Avedon).

(Interview by Carli Rentsch)

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